First Century Christian Faith is committed to making our website, https://www.firstcenturycf.org, accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities. Our goal is to provide an online environment that allows visitors to browse easily.
We strive to ensure that our website complies with WCAG 2.2 guidelines to the level of AA. We design our site's content to work seamlessly with assistive technologies like screen readers and keyboard navigation. To achieve this, we have implemented various accessibility adjustments.
In our efforts to enhance accessibility, we have taken proactive measures, including utilizing the Accessibility Wizard to address potential issues, setting the language and content order, establishing clear heading structures, providing alternative text for images, ensuring color contrast compliance, minimizing motion, and making all media content accessible.
We are dedicated to ensuring accessibility across our website. However, third-party content may affect certain pages. In such cases, we declare partial compliance with the standard and identify the specific pages impacted.
If you encounter accessibility issues on our website or require further assistance, please message us at contact@firstcenturycf.org. We value your feedback and accessibility concerns.