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Josephus: Friend of Scholars

Updated: Jan 29

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Joseph son of Matthias (Hebrew: Yosef ben Mattityahu—Greek: Iōsēph ton tou Matthaiou) was born circa AD 37–38 (3797–3799 in the Hebrew calendar) at Jerusalem. His maternal and paternal lineages were priestly in origin, especially his mother's side, which may have included the Maccabean priests who repelled Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–163 BC). He is better known as Josephus, the Latin version of his original Hebrew name, Yosef. As an adolescent, Josephus studied under all of the major Jewish denominations of his time: the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes. He finally settled among the Pharisees when he became an adult, despite his disagreement with their religiopolitical ideologies. By age 26, Josephus had garnered enough influence as a Pharisee to negotiate the release of other Jewish priests successfully held captive by the emperor Nero (AD 37–68) in Rome.

During his two-year stay in Rome, Josephus' worldview became more liberal as he enjoyed its cosmopolitan atmosphere. This change of heart would later lead him to work for the Romans during a major Jewish revolt against them. However, the steps that got him there were much more nuanced than all-out treachery. Josephus returned to Jerusalem in AD 66, and the First Jewish–Roman War began soon afterward. The Sanhedrin, the preeminent council that arbitrated the religious matters of Judea, appointed him as the leader of Galilee's homeland defense. During his military career, Josephus evaded treason charges by the Zealots, especially from John of Gischala (fl. first century AD). Yet, the Sanhedrin maintained their trust in him as he attempted to rescue the critical Galilean city of Sepphoris from its Gentile sympathizers. Josephus was unsuccessful there, so he kept his troops on the move and away from Roman forces closing in. He asked the Sanhedrin to send reinforcements or peace terms with Roman general Vespasian (AD 9–79), which they did not acknowledge. Vespasian outmaneuvered Josephus at the previously invulnerable stronghold at Jotapata in May AD 67 and besieged it. Two months later, the Romans destroyed the fortress, and Josephus fled to an underground cavern, where he discovered forty Jewish fighters hiding in a cistern. This event was a significant turning point in Josephus' life, as he saved his life by mere flattery and betrayal. Josephus convinced his fellow rebels to cast lots to see which one of them would survive, having prior knowledge that Rome would spare him. He even told Vespasian that he could foretell the future, including the general's succession as Caesar. Josephus was liberated from servitude when this coincidental prophecy became a reality, resulting in him taking Vespasian's surname, Flavius, and serving as his ambassador to Judea.

Man in traditional attire watches a large fire engulf ancient stone buildings; smoke fills the sky, adding a dramatic, tense atmosphere.
James Collazo

Josephus: Jewish or Roman?

When Josephus visited Rome from AD 64 to 66 to persuade Nero to release a few Jewish priests from prison, he was greatly influenced by its cultural grandeur. Perhaps Josephus felt a sense of freedom in its cosmopolitan ambiance as opposed to the strictures of Judaism. Since the first century, Jews have been somewhat critical of Josephus, and the primary interest in his writings derives not from them but from the Christian tradition. In Wars of the Jews, he addressed his critics, who derided him as a traitor and attempted to justify himself. Josephus knew that neither the Jews nor the Romans respected him, but he knew he was indebted to Vespasian for his life. Under the emperor's authority, Josephus could write his accounts and defend his honor. Perhaps the historian and military leader could be understood as a tragic figure born into circumstances that caused him to be a man of dualistic contrasts.

Josephus receives the most scrutiny for his actions during and after the Roman siege of Jerusalem in AD 70. The Zealots had the advantage in the early battles of the First Jewish–Roman War. However, their fate changed when Vespasian ascended to the throne, and Titus became the primary leader of the Roman army. Josephus' patronage transferred from Vespasian to Titus before the siege, requiring him to serve the Romans while they conspired against his compatriots. While the Jewish insurgents maintained control of Jerusalem in early AD 70, Josephus attempted to persuade them to relinquish it in light of their inevitable defeat. He believed that the overall Roman suppression of Jewish tensions was unavoidable and that the Jewish people had no choice but to submit. The Roman victory was so swift and thorough that subsequent generations of Jews have considered the sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of their temple in AD 70 to be their worst disaster in history until World War II. After the war, Josephus returned to Rome with Titus, who had sacked the temple and exiled Jerusalem's Jewish population. He received official citizenship, a lifetime annuity, and his Judean estate. In retirement there, Josephus composed all of his works.

Man with turban writing on parchment scroll at wooden desk, Hebrew script on wall. Tan background, focused and serene mood.
James Collazo

The Flavian Testimony

Josephus is relevant to the academic study of Christian origins because his works provide historical context for the New Testament. He corroborated many events also recorded by the New Testament writers. Josephus wrote about James of Jerusalem (Antiquities of the Jews 20.9) and Jesus himself. Scholars call it the "Flavian Testimony" (Latin: Testimonium Flavianum), a heavily debated part of Josephus' writings. While most of the testimony is uncontested, certain features in which he praised Jesus seem unlikely for a Zealot who never became a Christian. Around AD 93, Josephus testified:

Now, there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it is lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works—a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was the Christ, and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men among us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. The tribe of Christians named after him is not extinct today (Antiquities of the Jews 18.3).

Man with a beard writing in a large book at a wooden table by the harbor. Boats and historic buildings in the background. Calm ambiance.
James Collazo


Josephus was born into a harsh environment where Roman Gentiles were oppressing his fellow Jews after many periods of national failure. In context, the conquest of Rome in Israel was not supposed to happen according to the post-exilic Jewish worldview. Even though the ancient Israelites reneged on their covenant with their God and were punished by other empires, the Jews preserved the Law of Moses. They rebuilt their temple to accomplish what their ancestors failed to do before spending seventy years in Babylonian captivity. However, Josephus saw the Romans differently after visiting their capital city and allowed that experience to shape his later decisions. It needs to be determined whether he actually agreed with Rome's imperialism as a unifying influence or was merely trying to survive. Perhaps "traitor" is too harsh a judgment. However, Yosef's transition to "Flavius Josephus" could be legitimately viewed as treachery because his decisions were made during the war and resulted in collateral damage, especially in Judea's defeat at the Masada fortress. Conversely, his efforts to interpret Jewish history into comprehensible literature for Gentiles could be seen as a love for the people he intended to protect.

To the modern researcher, Josephus provides the most objective source available about life in first-century Judea. While the New Testament and the writings of Rabbinic Judaism present a religious perspective, Josephus complements these sources while recording details that modern historians want to know. If left to purely Jewish or Roman authorities alone, this history would probably be lost if not for Josephus. Perhaps it is in this way that the soldier and historian became the prophet he deemed himself to be. Josephus' ability to recognize Roman and Greek patterns of thought and to communicate Israel's sociopolitical philosophy, history, laws, and culture to Gentiles continues to influence objective scholars who benefit from his accounts. In this way, Josephus is not so much a traitor to his people but their defender throughout posterity.

Open book with yellowed pages, lying flat. Background shows blurred green plants. A black bookmark is visible, adding a calm mood.
Ben White


Blessed are you, LORD our God, King of the universe; your eternal Word speaks to us through the words of Holy Scripture. We read about your mighty acts and purposes in history and those faithfully serving you. Inspired by the revelation of your Son, Jesus, we seek to do your will. Give us ears to hear and hearts to obey. Amen.​



Book of Common Prayer. Huntington Beach, CA: Anglican Liturgy Press, 2019. p. 530.

Gottheil, Richard, and Samuel Krauss. "John of Giscala (Johanan ben Levi)." Jewish Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. Kopelman Foundation. pp. 220–22. (link).

⸻. "Josephus, Flavius." pp. 274–81. (link).

Hoeber Karl. "Flavius Josephus." Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 8: Infamy–Lapparent. New York: Robert Appleton, 1910. New Advent. (link).

Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews 18.3. Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Calvin University. (link).

⸻. Antiquities 20.9. (link).

Kelley, Nicole. "The Cosmopolitan Expression of Josephus' Prophetic Perspective in the Jewish War." Harvard Theological Review 97, no. 3 (2004): 257–74. (link).

McLaren, James S. Turbulent Times? Josephus and Scholarship on Judaea in the First Century CE. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Academic, 1998.

Perelmuter, Hayim G. "The Image of the Jew in Flavius Josephus' Paraphrase of the Bible." The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 62, no. 1 (2000): 164–65.

Spilsbury, Paul. The Image of the Jew in Flavius Josephus' Paraphrase of the Bible. Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 1998.

Strauss, Mark L. Four Portraits, One Jesus: A Survey of Jesus and the Gospels. Second ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020.

Teicher, Morton I. "Judging Josephus." Jerusalem Post. July 23, 2009. (link).

Tobin, Thomas H. "Understanding Josephus: Seven Perspectives." The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 62, no. 1 (2000): 184–86.

Whiston, William, trans. The Works of Josephus: Complete and Unabridged, New Updated Edition. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1987.


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